Research & Development

NYSEOS is committed to support your R&D projects with the challenge to make them a success.

a recognized R&D expertise

NYSÉOS is involved in national and international R&D programs in enology or in the brewing field conducted either independently or in partnership with research institutes or in collaboration with other industrial companies. 

Our objective is to provide innovative analytical solutions for monitoring and controlling new relevant parameters to have a better understanding of wine and beer aroma and help you through your operational management. 

We are always eager to share our expertise and our methodologies toward applied R&D projects.

Our company has been certified for Tax Research Credit (CIR/CII) since 2011: the R&D projects we support are then eligible to Tax Research Credit.

A responsive team at your disposal

You can rely on us to assist and help you to support your R&D projects and respond adequately to a specific request. Be certain that your project success is at the very heart of our missions.  

We also attach a considerable importance to great communication and flexibility along our partnership.

Nyseos | Analyse & conseil sur l'arôme du vin