
Aroma analysis is essential and complementary to sensory analysis.

Find out more about our decision-support tool Kallosmé for blend simulation.

"Guarantee your wine,
reproducibility & brand equity."


Kallosmé will process your analytical data obtained from your base and commercial wines

Our software offers you an innovative and time-effective solution for a better management and optimization of your blends. You will be able to memorize and reproduce the sensory profile of your wines and adjust them to fit your market needs. 

This time and cost-effective decision-Support tool will allow you to manage your blends while focusing on novel key information and mastering your technical itineraries.




Analytical characterization is a powerful and objective tool to evaluate the quality and the aromatic profiles of your products and improve your production process management.

Kallosmé provides data you can use to easily simulate your blends.

Memorize your profiles

Reproduce your wine profiles and guarantee your brand quality

Accurately manage your wines to avoid over quality

Compare your wines amongst market wines

An analytical result to meet your needs.

Wine Cellar

Segment your wine profiles, evaluate the aromatic potentiality of your cellar and improve your wine style to meet your market needs.

Wine negociant

you want to combine sourcing control and inventory management while securing your market brand.


Winery owner, you want to assess and define the quality of your wine to foster better client relationships.

For more information on our software, contact us

Our team

We are available to give you an overview of Kallosmé and highlight the multiple benefits of the use of analysis along the production process.

Nyseos | Analyse & conseil sur l'arôme du vin

They trust us

Blending is a commonly used technique in the agro industry on raw materials and their subsequent products. Our software Kallosmé has been developed for enology. However, committed to meet your needs, we are aiming at transposing this powerful tool to other fields (i.e. hops).