

Our News


Contexte Nyséos est un laboratoire d’analyse et de conseil sur l’arôme des boissons. Depuis 2007, nous mettons au service de la  filière œnologie des méthodes d’analyses performantes dont les r...

Ce rapprochement, qui s’est concrétisé le 31 mai 2021, est né d’une volonté commune de proposer aux professionnels du vin, de la bière et des boissons en général, une expertise analytique et de consei...

We welcome you at our stall A2 B19 to discuss with us and discover our Sensory Aroma Box.

Nyseos, a rewarded and acknowledge innovation

The laboratory from Montpellier specialized in wine aroma analysis keeps up the good work in innovation. Thanks Vinséo for the publication. Full article

Prize-winner Trophées Export Occitanie

    On December 6 2018, Mrs Nadia PELLEFIGUE for Occitanie – Pyrénées Méditerranée region and Mr Alain DI CRESCENZO, CCIR president awarded Trophée Export Occitanie 2018 Primo-exporter Prize to NYSEOS...

Sensory Profiles Case of Sauvignon Blanc

NYSEOS and Richard PFISTER from Oenoflair provide the new Sensory Profiles Case of Sauvignon blanc.Sauvignon blanc wines have a distinctive sensory profile and are also characterized by a great aromat...

Vinseo cluster welcomes its new start-up members

30 new start-up were welcome to the Vinséo Cluster. NYSEOS took part in this event as a member of the selection panel to award the Best Pitch Prize.

Goal : Business Growth with LABEX Entreprendre

    Chantal MARION, deputy mayor of Montpellier, during the graduation of Business class EMBA 2018 Stratégie de Croissance des PME.One last opportunity to gather with the graduate students, discuss wi...

Craft Beer Brewing Magazine | July 2018

NYSÉOS made a breakthrough on the international stage lately, with a remarkable publication in the “Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine”. The company is presented as innovative through its analytical solu...

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